Does Your Yard Smells Like a Bog? It's Probably a Clog.

Access rapid septic tank repair in Montpelier, Ladysmith, Ruther Glen, Tappahannock, Fredericksburg, Aylett, Warsaw, Caret, Caroline County, & Essex County, VA

Septic systems generally work well, but they occasionally require repair. If you notice an issue, it's best to get it checked out right away. Ignoring small problems can lead to major issues. Doug's Septic Service performs septic tank repair for clients in Central Virginia.

Look for these signs of tank trouble:

Recent or frequent flooding
Backed up pipes
Foul smells
An older system

Our team is ready to handle all your septic issues, whether you have a standard or non-standard system. We'll diagnose the problem and handle it promptly.

Call 804-883-7500 now for fast and affordable septic tank repair.

Don't ignore a failing septic system

Don't ignore a failing septic system

At Doug's Septic Service, we aim to keep your tank in great shape. However, some damage is too extensive to repair. In some cases, the system is just too old to keep running effectively. In these instances, it's time for a new septic system installation.